When discussing birthstones, many September-born individuals smile proudly. They’re proud to be associated with the stunningly violet-blue gemstone named for the Greek word for blue – the Sapphire. For hundreds of years the Sapphire has been referred to as the “ultimate” blue gemstone that represents a promise of honesty, loyalty, purity and trust.
The Sapphire gemstone is a variety of the mineral corundum found in many parts of the world – with the most prized ones coming from Myanmar, Kashmir and Sri Lanka. Sapphires with a highly saturated violet-blue color and “velvety” transparency are more rare, however, many people find that the darker hued versions can be just as appealing and more affordable.

Pardparadscha Sapphire
It may surprise you to know that Sapphires not only come in blue! They can also be pink, yellow, orange, peach, and violet. The most sought-after Sapphire is the rare and breathtaking Padparadscha: a pink-orange corundum that’s a distinctive salmon color. These rare and beautiful stones are among the most coveted gems in the world.